Kannon Dojo Brussels
In a few words :
Established by disciples of Master Deshimaru, the Brussels Kannon dojo (place where we practise Buddha's way) is located in Ixelles."Zen is like living water endless renewed, springing forth always fresh, creating itself at each and every instant."
Master Dogen
- The dojo main activies are the zazen sessions (sitting meditation). These sessions are open to everybody.
- One Saturday per month, a presentation of zen practise is offered with an introduction to the sitting posture given by experienced practitioners.
- Zazen sessions are facilitated by practioners with confirmed experience and who assure the good functioning of the dojo.
- Dojo members meet regularly for intensive weekend sessions (sesshins), generally under the direction of Master Roland Rech, referent.
- Activities such as zen sewing of rakusu and kesa are organized regularly, as well as study of the Dharma (teaching) with monks and nuns of the Association Zen de Belgique and the International Zen Association.

Why does the dojo bear the name of Kannon?
If the mind does not dwell on anything, the true spirit appears
, says the Diamond Sutra.
If our mind doesn't focus on anything, a vast and free spirit manifests itself.
The more we are centered on ourselves, our prejudices and desires, the more egocentric we are. The love we manifest around us in then limited.
In Zen Buddhism, universal love is symbolized by a being named Avalokitesvara, or Bodhisattva of True Freedom, or sometimes Bodhisattva of Compassion.
There are several ways in which Asian traditions and languages represent this spirit of compassion, and Avalokitesvara bears various names.
In Japan, Avalokitesvara is called Kannon and is represented by a thousand-armed being.
The dojo is the place where we meet to practice Zazen and discover this spirit of freedom and compassion.
In our dojo, Brussels Kannon Dojo, we aim at creating together the best possible conditions for Zazen practice.
The name of Kannon, willingly chosen by the founders of our dojo as the personification of True Freedom and Compassion, gives meaning to everyone's practice.