Kannon Zen Dojo Brussels

Other activities

Beside zazen, the Brussels dojo organizes several other activities. Dates can be found on the agenda.


One of the traditional practises of soto zen is the sewing of the rakusu and of the kesa. The kesa is a dark piece of clothing, like a gown, worn by the monk to practise zazen. It is made of pieces fitted together following a rice field pattern.
The workshop is free of charge and open to all practionners. Every Thusday from 2pm till 5pm and once Sunday per month (see agenda).

The right gestures

To learn or to know more about the gestures in the dojo: ceremony, instruments, chanting of sutra... Theses sessions are given on appointment by an experencied practioner.

Spiritual companionship

By practitioners, zen monks/nuns, with experience in supporting terminaly ill persons and their relatives. For any request in that matter, you can contact us.

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