Kannon Zen Dojo Brussels

Practical information

Zazen Schedule

Zazen Schedule:
Days Morning Schedule Evening Schedule
Monday 6.30 am - 7.30 am 8. pm - 9. pm
Tuesday 6.30 am - 7.30 am 7. pm - 8.30 pm
Wednesday 6.30 am - 7.30 am 7.30 pm - 9.00 pm
Friday 6.30 am - 7.30 am 7.30 pm - 9. pm
Sunday 10.30 am - 12. am

Welcoming of beginners

If you are interested in zazen but are beginner, we are here to advise you. Further information on this page.

How to travel to the dojo?

The Brussels dojo is located at 11 rue Eugène Cattoir, 1050 Ixelles.

Please come to the second floor, or ring the "ZEN" bell.

Public transport:

Map with the dojo location
Main entrance :
Photo of the entrance


The agenda shows all the activities taking place. See page other activities for more information.

July 2024
Dates Activities Hours
Sunday 14 Sesshin in Godinne - dojo closed till July 22

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