Master Roland Rech
Roland Yuno Rech is Zen Master and vice-president of the Association Zen Internationale (AZI) located in Paris.
After a journey around the world that eventually led him to practice Zen in Kyoto, he returned to France to follow the teachings of Master Taisen Deshimaru from 1972 to 1982.
Soon after the death of his master, he received the shiho (Dharma transmission) from Niwa Zenji, the superior of Eihei-Ji and highest authority of the Zen Soto school in Japan. Master Roland Yuno Rech directs the temple Gyobutsu ji in Nice and leads numerous zen sesshin.
Master Roland Yuno Rech helps the leaders of the Kannon Dojo in Brussels by advising them on how to teach zen and facilitate zazen.
Books by Master Roland Rech: